Sharon Wolff Some finds are a little scary People often ask me, "What do they sell at your flea market?" Of course, the appropriate answer is a list of whichever 10 categories of merchandise I can conjure up at the moment. However, when am feeling philosophical, I answer "Everything that has ever been manufactured, sold, old, new, discarded, dusty, crafted, resold, re-made, found, tossed, lost, one of a kind, mysterious, mass produced, broken, repaired, rusty, shiny, valuable, junky, funky, created, overstocked, overlooked, discounted, abandoned, liked, disliked and anything else that defies logic." Each week, laden with clipboard, reading glasses, walkie talkie, cell phone and two cameras, I navigate the markets. If I am at Rosemont, I also carry a 10 pound backpack, sunscreen and water bottle. Often, I drop something. Thank you to everyone who helps me retrieve my papers before they fly away. Where would you put this? Who made it and where has it been?...