What Are Novelty Lighters? Why Are They banned?

In keeping with state law and safety standard, we do not allow the sale of novelty lighters at Wolff's Flea Market ILLINOIS GENERAL ASSEMBLY PUBLIC ACT 096-1174 EFFECTIVE DATE 7/22/2010 SOURCES & LINKS: http://www.ilga.gov/legislation/publicacts/fulltext.asp?Name=096-1174 http://www.ncdoi.com/osfm/Fire_Safety_Programs/Default.aspx?field1=Novelty_Lighters&user=Novelty_Lighters ACCEPTABLE LIGHTERS A Novelty lighter is a "mechanical or electrical devise typically used for lighting cigarettes, cigars or pipes that is designed to resemble a cartoon character, toy, gun, watch, musical instrument, vehicle, animal, food or beverage, or similar articles, or that plays musical notes, or has flashing lights or other entertaining features" A novelty lighter may operate on any fuel. including butane, isobutane or liquid fuel Novelty lighter does not include any of the following: A lighter manufactured before January 1, 1980 A lighter incapable...