
Showing posts from 2017

Wolff's Flea Market Bans Sales of Eclipse Glasses

Today we sent a special edition email. Subject: Banned at Wolff's - Eclipse Glasses Everyone is excited about the upcoming eclipse on Monday August 21, 2017. However we extend this warning to our clientele: Beware of counterfeit eclipse viewing glasses! •Due to recent news regarding this issue, Wolff's Flea Market is BANNING ALL SALES OF SOLAR ECLIPSE VIEWING GLASSES. Counterfeit glasses can cause eye damage. It is unspeakable to think that counterfeiters would sell something dangerous in order to make a few measly dollars. Vendors and customers do not be tempted to purchase even if someone claims them to be "certified or real." You do this at your own health risk. We are not authorized to determine authenticity and will be making our best effort this weekend to educate and remove from market. If you see someone with these glasses please note space number and call or text 847-524-9590. Remember that counterfeits are illegal and dangerous counterfeits are...


By Sharon Wolff Original post 9/28/11. Revised 1/12,  2/6/12, 9/10/12, 1/27/13, 7/6/17, 3/19/2021 Please always go to for the most updated information Wolff's Flea Market is vigilant about inspecting merchandise at every booth, every week. If we talked to you last week or 2 weeks ago, we may talk to you again this week about the same or different items you are selling.  Please realize we mean no disrespect to you, nor are we singling you out from other vendors. It is our job to ensure that the merchandise offered at Wolff's Flea Market is in accordance to our rules, Rosemont/Palatine rules, and state and federal laws. So please, if you see a staff person lingering over an item on your table, or if you are questioned about your merchandise, do not take offense. We try to speak respectfully to you, and hope you can return the favor. When in doubt, we may ask you to remove a certain type of merchandise, or even request receipts from you. While we are not perfe...

Wolff's Flea Market: Lost and Found ... Again!

By Guest Blogger Betsy Fons When growing up, Gabe Defrates, now a resident of Chicago, used to go to flea markets each Sunday with his Grandfather, Don Bryant. Don passed away in 2006, but Gabe and his grandfather made a new connection this weekend at Wolff’s Flea Market in Palatine. A vendor at Wolff’s Flea Market came across a framed piece that included pictures of Don with flowers and a holy card from his funeral. Through some online research, a Wolff’s employee was able to find Don Bryant’s daughter in Carbondale, Illinois and inform her that the item somehow appeared at Wolff's Flea Market.   Her nephew, Gabe, came to Palatine to pick up the cherished family piece. Gabe told us his mother had the memento made after her father’s funeral.   When she moved from her home in Elgin, the box containing the piece got mixed up with boxes of items that were given away.   Somehow the item mysteriously made its way to Wolff’s Flea Market in Palatine. Gabe said his fami...


Regular exercise is very important aspect of one's journey into Health and Fitness. From first-hand experience, when I like my outfit, I feel positively motivated to get out and move. Because honestly, sometimes momentum can be a little challenging.  Read these articles:  Does Wearing Fitness Gear REALLY Boost Your Workout Motivation? Do Your Workout Clothes Actually Affect Your Performance? Given the technology of performance fabrics, "designer" workout clothing can be pretty pricey. Personally, I don't see the point in paying $40 or more for just the leggings alone.  Because don't we all know that exercise = sweat? Perhaps this new tech fabric moves the sweat away from your skin and into its magic mesh. But to me - ahem - sweat is sweat - and it is only temporary. I would rather go for quantity and variety in my workout clothing. Then go home and take a shower. I bought this brand new 2-piece heather design outfit upstairs in Palatine and give it 5 st...

Flea Market Find: The Ice Saw

We usually don't know what happens to the unique and amazing collectibles purchased at Wolff's Flea Market. But, thanks to customer Joe V., we have the full picture of the special home of The Ice Saw . "My thanks to Don at Wolff's Flea Market to help me purchase an Ice Saw for the Barrington History Museum . The Ice Saw will be added to future displays of farm tools and the early tool exhibit currently planned for 2018.  The saw will also be included in the ice harvesting exhibit loaned to the American Water Works Association museum exhibit at their WaterCon conference in Springfield, IL. The Barrington History Museum, a not-for-profit, is located at 212 & 218 W. Main in Barrington. It currently is open by request and will reopen with new exhibits on Saturday afternoons starting April 8th, 2017." Thanks, Joe V. Photos Betsy F

It's a box! I think? Wait. What is this?

By Guest Blogger Candice lee Conner Last week, my friend sent me this photo of a very interesting box that had bellows on the side, asking me what in the world this thing was. Surely it's some type of accordion, I thought. But where are the keys to play the music? And why are there a bunch of circles? I consulted the most knowledgeable data base I have in my arsenal - my musical Facebook friends with You Tube as confirmation.  This, my friends, is  Shruti box . The Shruti box's creation was based off the  Harmonium , a keyboard instrument in which the sound is produced through reeds and bellows. The more humble shruti box is keyless and was invented so that one could create a perfect droning sound. Pitch controls are on the top or on side. Today shrutiboxes, or shruti petti, are electronic and have recently been making a come back throughout the world. There's even  an app for that !  If you are looking for that unusual gift for a musician...