Our Bottom Line: Counterfeits are Illegal and Banned at our Markets. Even if they are cheap, used, cute, etc. Over the years, I have had many discussions about counterfeit purses with both vendors and customers. REAL QUOTES: "I like the purse because it is cute" "I would never buy the real thing" "I can't afford the real thing" "I don't care if it falls apart in a month" "It was so cheap" "It's not hurting anyone" "I want to wear that brand, but won't buy a real one" "Everyone knows it's not real, so it's ok" "It might be real" "No one will notice that it is fake" "It looks really good for a fake" "I know it is real and I got it at a great price" I can argue each point, but for now will focus on the "Cute Factor". Over the years I have amassed a large selection of new and used counterfeit items. Many wer...