The Flea Market Alphabet
When wandering the aisles at Wolff's Flea Market at the Allstate Arena Rosemont, do you sometimes wonder where you are? Just look down and you will see that we have painted a helpful grid with numbered and lettered spaces. Rows are lettered A through Z, with numbers ranging from 1 to 20ish. The east section is closer and perpendicular to the building and is called "The Single Letter Rows". A1 is by the southeast entrance, A2 is south, etc. The "Double Letter Rows" are located in the west lot. So how do you explain exactly where you are? Just learn the flea market alphabet! For beginners. A-Apple B-Boy C-Charlie or Cat D-Dog E-Edward F-Frank G-Girl H-Henry I-Ida J-Jack K- Kangaroo L-Larry M-Mary N-Nancy O-Oscar P-Paul Q-Quincy R-Robert S-Sam T-Thomas U-Umbrella V-Victor W-Walter X-X-ray Y-Y Z-Zebra Oh yeah, if you have any questions, just look for a staff person wearing a chartreuse shirt!